Writing in the Discipline

Writing in the Discipline Workshop Materials

a Faculty Workshop led by Koni Stone, Professor of Chemistry

Workshop 1:

Powerpoint presentation

Workshop 2:

Rubrics Power Point Presentation

Resources for Project Planning

1. Independent Development Plan (IDP) Resources
• Building an Independent Development Plan: A Guide for Undergraduate Students from SACNAS (http://sacnas.org/about/stories/sacnas-news/summer-2013/building-your-IDP)
• Science Careers myIDP (http://myidp.sciencecareers.org/)
• Science Careers article: Improve your Productivity in Graduate School

2. Project Management Resources
• from PMI Educational Foundation: Project Management Skills for Life (downloadable for free with registration:
“…a guide that provides an introduction to the basics of project management as well as tools and techniques to help develop skills to become a great project manager leading successful projects. A basic understanding of project management concepts will help your team effectively create a plan, organize activities and train individuals to complete simple to very complex projects.”
• Science Careers articles: Project Management for Scientists (Part I)
& Project Management for Scientists (Part 2)

3. Mentoring Resources
• “A Shared Vision of Mentoring from Different Perspectives,” American Society for Cell Biology, article from November 2011 Newsletter (http://www.ascb.org/files/1111WICB.pdf)

Resources for Writing

• Gopan & Swan, “The Science of Science Writing.” 1990, American Scientist. “The Science of Science Writing.”
• Duke Graduate School,Scientific Writing Resource
• Northwestern University, Performing a Writing Self-AssessmentWriting Assessment Worksheet for students

Final Exam Schedule:


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